
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Long Island Teen Group's April Meeting! 4/14/13

Long Island Teen Group's April Meeting!

When: Sunday, April 14th, at 6:30pm

This month's topic: LGBT Families

If you would like to attend or find out more about our Long Island Teen Group meetings, email

Friday, April 12, 2013

JQY Panel at Queens College: Growing Up Gay in an Orthodox World- A Tribe Talks Event! 4/24/13

JQY Panel at Queens College: 

Growing Up Gay in an Orthodox World: A Tribe Talks Event!

When: Wednesday, April 24th at 6:15pm

Where: Queens College Hillel, 65-30 Kissena Blvd, Student Union Room 206, Flushing, New York 11367

For the first time ever, a group of Queens College (QC) students will speak about their experiences growing up gay and Orthodox. All are welcome to join in this historic conversation— bring questions!

Last semester, Tribe Magazine (, a student-run Hillel publication, featured an article by an anonymous QC student titled, "Growing Up Gay in an Orthodox World: My Final Game of Tag," which was about his experiences being gay in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Within 24 hours the article received more than one thousand views, and became to this day one of the most popular articles on our site.

As a result, Tribe has decided to collaborate with JQY to host a discussion on being gay and Orthodox. The moderator will be Mordechai Levovitz, QC alumnus and co-executive director of JQY. This conversation will be the first of its kind at Queens College, and a rare opportunity to hear firsthand from your QC peers the issues that gay people raised Orthodox face.

Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP to the Facebook event:

Friday, April 5, 2013

April's JQY Meeting!!! 4/11/13

Hey Everyone,

It's that time again!

What: April's JQY Meeting
When: Thursday, April 11th, 8:30pm-10:30pm

To find out about this month's topic and location, join our list by visiting

Suggested donation: $3,

Refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for meeting topics, or if you would like to lead a discussion for a certain topic or month, feel free to email: