
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

JQY Kosher Teen Pride BBQ! 4/26/15

Calling all LGBT Jewish Teens (and allies!),

Join us for our annual delicious kosher BBQ in the park to mark the beginning of SPRING and SUMMER!

Enjoy the Burgers, Hot Dogs, and Vegetarian options of course!

Take part in the Shmoozing, Scavenger Hunt and other fun activities!

Meet new people, see old friends, and enjoy the outdoors!

You must be UNDER 21 to participate.

When: Sunday, April 26th, 1:00pm-5:00pm
Where: Riverbank State Park NYC: 145th street on the Hudson River near the 1 train stop.
Cost: FREE!!!!!
Why? Because.

-JQY Teen Program


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